In the first stage of assessment, the doctoral thesis project will be assessed. In the second stage of assessment, there is an interview.
The requirements for the doctoral thesis project and the evaluation criteria can differ depending on the speciality. Below you will find specific conditions and requirements for every speciality, as well as contact information in case you have further questions.
Doctoral thesis project (3–5 pages) should contain the following:
Doctoral thesis project assessment criteria:
The curriculum vitae of the applicant is used to consider the following:
The interview is used to assess the following:
Head of the specialisation: Janet Laidla,
The doctoral thesis project (length up to 3 pages) must include the following:
The project is assessed from the perspective of its research quality, including the following:
Doctoral thesis projects are defended during an interview. Applicants present their projects and answer questions from admissions committee members.
The assessment of the project defence covers the following:
The assessment of the feasibility of a doctoral thesis project covers the following
Head of the specialisation: Ann Veismann,
Doctoral thesis project (3–5 pages + references)
The doctoral thesis project will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
Writing sample
The candidate’s CV must include a list of research work already completed by the candidate. When applying for a PhD position in Philosophy, it is strongly recommended that the candidate adds to her CV a writing sample, which will be taken into account when assessing the candidate’s proposed research project. The writing sample’s length should correspond to the length of a typical philosophy paper in the field of Philosophy on which the candidate wishes to write their doctoral thesis (but certainly no longer than 50 pages).
The writing sample will be assessed in accordance with the following criteria:
The interview will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Head of the specialisation: Alexander Stewart Davies,
The doctoral thesis project must specify the following:
During the interview, the following is assessed:
Head of the specialisation: Alexander Stewart Davies,
The structural elements of a doctoral thesis project (5000–9000 characters) are:
The assessment of the feasibility of a doctoral thesis project covers the following:
The defence of the thesis project is conducted as an oral interview based on the doctoral thesis project and relevant issues of the speciality. Applicants are assessed based on their knowledge of the field, the clarity, depth and scope of the problem, the clarity of the working hypotheses, the applicant’s preparedness for research in the field, their oral and written presentation skills, and their motivation and preparedness to complete doctoral studies successfully on time.
Head of the specialisation: Elo-Hanna Seljamaa,
Doctoral thesis project (3–5 pages):
The project must clearly define the research question, justify its relevance in the field, and describe the proposed data inventory (incl. the principles of data collection), main secondary sources, and methodology for solving the research problem. Requirements for doctoral thesis projects:
The project should include information on the earlier research experience (master’s thesis, research presentations, publications) and possible preliminary agreements with supervisors.
The oral interview consists of the applicant´s 10-minute presentation for the admissions committee and a discussion on relevant issues of the speciality related to the doctoral thesis project.
The interview is based on a CV that is submitted together with the online application. The CV provides an overview of the applicant’s earlier studies and research, thus also showing the applicant’s preparedness and research maturity. The interview is also used to assess the applicant´s motivation and expectations for doctoral studies.
Assessment of the thesis project (maximum score is 50 points):
During the interview, the following is assessed (maximum score is 50 points):
Head of the specialisation: Raili Marling,
Doctoral thesis project must specify the topic of the doctoral thesis in Estonian or in English and in the original language if it is not Estonian or English, accompanied by the field(s) of study (up to three) associated with the topic, based on the CERCS (Common European Research Classification Scheme) classification.
A doctoral thesis project must include the following:
The recommended length of the project is up to 5 pages (12 500 characters with spaces), and it must include the name, the signature of the applicant, and the date.
The doctoral thesis project and its feasibility are assessed based on the following:
The applicant´s CV is used to consider:
The interview takes 15 minutes. The applicant has 5 minutes to present their motives and the project they have submitted with their application. The remaining 10 minutes are used to ask the applicant questions about their motivation and thesis project. The exam may take place, at the applicant’s choosing, either in Estonian or in English.
The interview will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Head of the specialisation: Urmas Nõmmik,
A doctoral thesis project (6000–10000 characters) must include the following:
Doctoral thesis project assessment criteria:
The defence of the doctoral thesis project will be conducted in the form of an interview on July 1, 2024. The candidate will present the doctoral thesis project and answer the questions of the members of the admissions committee.
During the interview, the following is assessed:
Information: Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Professor Anneli Saro (