Research discussion "Feelings, Actions, and Thoughts in the First Days of Full-Scale War in Ukraine"


On May 9th at 14:15, UT Department of Semiotics hosts a hybrid research discussion "Feelings, Actions, and Thoughts in the First Days of Full-Scale War in Ukraine".

Feelings, Actions, and Thoughts in the First Days of Full-Scale War in Ukraine

On 24 February, the Russian Federation launched a war of aggression on Ukraine. For many people, this was preceded by months of anxious anticipation: some prepared survival kits, some joined first aid courses, others regularly monitored the latest news and war forecasts. For those Ukrainians who survived the hostilities in Donbas and became IDPs, the anticipation of a Russian attack may have been even more difficult.

What were the first perceptions and practical reactions to the breakout of the war? What stands behind the decisions to flee or stay? How did relationships within the family change? Why people decided to volunteer? What were the most important decision they had to make?

After numerous ethical and methodological preliminary considerations, the Kyiv think tank Cedos posed these questions to citizens of Ukraine in a non-representative qualitative online survey. Responses were received from over 550 people. We invite you to discuss the feelings thoughts and actions of people in Ukraine during the first days of the war.


🔵 Anastasia Bobrova, analyst and researcher, Cedos, University of Tartu, Department of Semiotics alumni;

🟡 Dr Valeria Lazarenko, analyst and researcher, Cedos, guest researcher at Leibnitz-Institute for Research on Society and Space, PhD in social psychology.

The hybrid seminar will take place in Jakobi 2 room 306 & Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 947 7953 6509

Passcode: 389629


Cedos is an independent community-based think tank that has been working on social development since 2010. Cedos produces cutting edge research and analysis in the fields of urban studies, housing, education, migration.


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