Kalle Hein Head of Finance cand (Physics-Mathematics) +372 737 5313 +372 506 6992 (5313) Jakobi 4-209 kalle.hein@ut.ee
Kadi Külm Deputy Chief Accountant MBA (Business Administration) +372 737 5334 Jakobi 4-303 kadi.kulm@ut.ee
Signe Võsoberg-Pastik Chief Accountant MBA (Business Administration) +372 737 5210 +372 516 3066 (5210) Jakobi 4-304 signe.vosoberg@ut.ee
Margit Albert Development Manager IT developments, organising the calculation of salaries and stipends +372 737 5206 Jakobi 4-310 margit.albert@ut.ee
Kairit Lood Secretary-Accountant need-based special allowance, doctoral allowance, achievement stipend, study and research stipend +372 737 5125 Jakobi 4-208 kairit.lood@ut.ee
Kaie Aia Financist-Senior Accountant purchase invoices, business expenses, travel costs, expenses of using a personal car +372 737 5208 Jakobi 4-306 kaie.aia@ut.ee
Kristina Kurakina Financist-Senior Accountant purchase invoices, income, fixed and small assets, internal sales +372 737 6129 Jakobi 4-306 kristina.kurakina@ut.ee
Hille Ostrov Senior Accountant income from international and structural fund projects, expenses and reports +372 737 6528 Jakobi 4-312 hille.ostrov@ut.ee
Lilia Lanemann Senior Accountant income from international and structural fund projects, expenses and reports +372 737 6527 Jakobi 4-311 lilia.lanemann@ut.ee
Lea Rohilaht Senior Accountant income, purchase invoices, income from conferences, income from projects, expenses and reports +372 737 5131 Jakobi 4-102 lea.rohilaht@ut.ee
Maarja Hiir Senior Accountant income from international and structural fund projects, expenses and reports, goods purchased for sale, fixed and small assets, inventories and write-offs (P1RT, P6UM, P6LM, P2TP, P6, P2, P1, AS, K1, RE, DF) +372 737 5204 Jakobi 4-203 maarja.hiir@ut.ee
Reet Siilats Senior Accountant income, purchase invoices, income from conferences, internal sales, income from projects, expenses and reports +372 737 6130 Jakobi 4-103 reet.siilats@ut.ee
Sirje Zeiger Accountant income from international and structural fund projects, expenses and reports +372 737 5129 Jakobi 4-309 sirje.zeiger@ut.ee
Maire Nurme Accountant balance sheet, purchase invoices, transactions with UT credit cards, expenses of using a UT car +372 737 5149 Jakobi 4-302 maire.nurme@ut.ee
Sirje Korm Accountant business expenses and the related advance payments, travel costs +372 737 6526 Jakobi 4-203 sirje.korm@ut.ee
Pille Kaseväli Accountant salaries: ASPR, ASUP, K1KV, K1IT, K1KO, K1UK, LTKT, LTTO, MVMV, MVBS, MVFA, MVST, MVCM, MVPT, MVSF, P1GY, P2OE, P2OO, P2OV, P6LM, P6UM, SVJS, SVPC, stipends +372 737 5309 Jakobi 4-207 pille.kasevali@ut.ee
Lilia Pihlap Accountant travel costs and the related advance payments, business expenses, expenses of using a personal car +372 737 5127 Jakobi 4-101 lilia.pihlap@ut.ee
Urve Kägu Accountant income from international and structural fund projects, expenses and reports, Mobilitas +372 737 6349 Jakobi 4-312 urve.kagu@ut.ee
Kristina Peterson Accountant income, purchase invoices, income from conferences, calculation of Erasmus+ business travel costs, income from projects, expenses and reports +372 737 5123 Jakobi 4-102 kristina.peterson@ut.ee
Airi Soopalu-Lepp Accountant income from international and structural fund projects, expenses and reports +372 737 5333 Jakobi 4-203 airi.soopalu-lepp@ut.ee
Katrin Vals Accountant sales invoices, purchase invoices, costs of mobile and data services +372 737 5133 Jakobi 4-204 katrin.vals@ut.ee
Ülle Luik Accountant sales invoices, income, internal sales +372 737 5662 Jakobi 4-204 ulle.luik@ut.ee
Auni Vardja Accountant purchase invoices, business expenses, sales invoices, tuition fees, transactions with UT credit cards +372 737 5132 Jakobi 4-101 auni.vardja@ut.ee
Koidu Roosna Accountant income from international and structural fund projects, expenses and reports +372 737 5229 Jakobi 4-309 koidu.roosna@ut.ee
Krista Martinson Accountant income, purchase invoices, income from conferences, internal sales, income from projects, expenses and reports +372 737 5134 Jakobi 4-102 krista.martinson@ut.ee
Carmen Tiimann Accountant income from international and structural fund projects, expenses and reports, DORA +372 737 6522 Jakobi 4-301 carmen.tiimann@ut.ee
Elliis Kalder Accountant Cash register, calculation of Erasmus+ etc scholarships +372 737 5124 Jakobi 4-206 elliis.kalder@ut.ee
Krista Jaaska Accountant salaries: DFRH, DFHR, HVHV, HVAJ, HVEE, HVFI, HVKU, HVLC, HVUS, LTLT, LTMR, LTOM, P1RT, P6IC, P6IK, RERB, RESU, SVSV, SVHI, SVPH, SVUH, stipends +372 737 5130 Jakobi 4-207 krista.jaaska@ut.ee
Krista Roosiväli Accountant income from international and structural fund projects, expenses and reports, KIK +372 737 5185 Jakobi 4-301 krista.roosivali@ut.ee
Maarika Villakov Accountant sales invoices, income, travel costs, business expenses +372 737 5120 Jakobi 4-207 maarika.villakov@ut.ee
Merje Mõtsar Accountant salaries: HVVK, LTAT, LTBI, LTMS, LTFY, LTGI, LTMI, LTTI, SVMJ, SVNC, SVOI, P2TP, stipends +372 737 5122 Jakobi 4-207 merje.motsar@ut.ee
Kerli Tamberg Senior Public Procurement Specialist +372 737 5138 +372 5190 5576 (5138) Ülikooli 17-121 kerli.tamberg@ut.ee
Kristiina Truup Specialist of Public Procurement +372 737 6617 +372 5890 9639 (6617) Ülikooli 17-121 kristiina.truup@ut.ee