Nele Tammeaid

Information session for starting international students of the Faculty

Dear first-year international students in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities!

The first weeks at the university bring new acquaintances, new buildings, a new daily schedule and, of course, a lot of new knowledge. To organize the first weeks and the rest of the studies better, we have put together an information session on the most important topics, where first-year students can find out how to navigate the university.

On 6 September 2024, we will talk about what studying will be like, what options there are in different programs, how to prepare beforehand for entering the labour market and much more. Soon, we will also share a more detailed agenda here. The evening ends with the traditional opening party of the academic year, the Symposium, to which all our students are invited!

Programme and room numbers

*Eesti tudengitel, kes õpivad ingliskeelsetel õppekavadel, on võimalik pärastlõunal jätkata eestikeelsete kavade üliõpilastele mõeldud programmis

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