Topic: recognition 

Three rectors’ scholarship went to a student of the University of Tartu
At the university’s ceremony marking the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Henri Pokk, a master’s student of the University of Tartu, was announced the winner of the three rectors’ scholarship competition, which was held for the seventh time.
23. February 2024 recognition 
Recipients of University of Tartu annual awards have been announced
On the eve of the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Rector of the University of Tartu Toomas Asser announced the university’s contribution to society award, research award and language award and the recipients of the teaching staff of the year award for 2023.
19. February 2024 recognition 
Recipients of the teaching staff of the year awards have been announced
Based on the submitted proposals, the committee formed by the UT Student Union chose the recipients of the teaching staff of the year awards for 2023.
20. February 2024 recognition 
President awards decorations to nine University of Tartu staff members
As the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia approaches, President Alar Karis bestows Estonian state decorations to 151 people, nine of whom are members of the university family.
07. February 2024 recognition 
Recipients of honorary decorations of the University of Tartu announced
On 27 October, the University of Tartu senate decided to award the Johan Skytte medal to Margit Sutrop, member of the Riigikogu and Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Tartu. The highest award granted to university members, the University of Tartu Grand Medal, is given to two university researchers for services of particular value. Also, the recipients of the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation, Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” have been selected.
27. October 2023 recognition 
Nominate candidates for honorary decorations until 20 September
All university members are invited to nominate candidates who deserve to be awarded the university’s honorary decoration for their outstanding achievements.
06. September 2023 recognition 
University of Tartu’s academic building won recognition on Tartu City Day
On 29 June, Tartu City Day, the best building awards 2022 of Tartu were presented. Among others, the University of Tartu’s academic building at Lossi 3 won an award. 
03. July 2023 recognition 
University of Tartu was recognised for supporting defenders of the state
On 19 June, the Ministry of Defence recognised the University of Tartu with the award “Supporter of defenders of the state” because, at the university, employees retain their salary during reservist training and other benefits are offered to defenders of the state.
21. June 2023 recognition 
University of Helsinki to confer Riho Altnurme and Madis Noppel as honorary doctors  
On 20 March, the University of Helsinki announced that Riho Altnurme, Professor of Church History at the University of Tartu, and Madis Noppel, Specialist of Aerosol Physics at the University of Tartu
22. March 2023 recognition 
Recipients of University of Tartu annual awards have been announced
Rector of the University of Tartu Toomas Asser announced the university's contribution to society award, research award and language award and recipients of the teaching staff  of the year award.
20. February 2023 recognition