Topic: research

Doctoral defence: Kristiina Vaik "Beyond Genres: A Dimensional Text Model for Text Classification"
On 19 December 2024, at 14:15 Kristiina Vaik will defend her doctoral thesis "Beyond Genres: A Dimensional Text Model for Text Classification".
28. November 2024 research
"Vilma Trummal 100" exhibition opening and presentation of a new digital textbook in archaeology
The exhibition „Vilma Trummal 100“ opens at the University of Tartu Philosophicum Hall Gallery (Jakobi 2, Tartu) on 21 November, the day that the celebrated archaeologist and university lecturer was born 100 years ago. A new digital textbook „Materials in Archaeology“ will also be presented at the exhibition opening. The exhibition opens at 16.00.
University of Tartu and Estonian National Museum step up cooperation in teaching doctoral students
On 29 October, the University of Tartu and the Estonian National Museum signed a framework agreement for industrial doctorate studies to support the education of future researchers for the museum and intensify cooperation between the two institutions.
14. November 2024 cooperationresearch
Funding Nudge 2025: Discover your research funding opportunities
Grant Office invites university researchers to the first info day on research funding at the university library on 12 February 2025.
25. November 2024 research
Doctoral defence: Ülo Siirak "Humaniste français Marc-Antoine Muret comme commentateur de Catulle et de Pierre de Ronsard"
On 29 November at 12:15, Ülo Siirak will defend his doctoral thesis "Humaniste français Marc-Antoine Muret comme commentateur de Catulle et de Pierre de Ronsard" ("French Humanist Marc-Antoine Muret as a Commentator on Catullus and Pierre de Ronsard").
06. November 2024 research
Mari Tõrv, Kadri-Ann Pankratov and Marju Himma awarded with the Baltic Women in Science fellowships
All three women received the fellowships of €7,000 in recognition of their research so far and to support further research in their scientific fields.
05. November 2024 researchrecognition 
European Commission funds new research centre for digital text scholarship
The Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics of the University of Tartu has been granted funding from the European Commission through the Horizon Europe ERA-Chair instrument to launch the Center for Digital Text Scholarship (DigiTS) starting in March 2025.
Kadri Simm appointed Professor of Practical Ethics
On October 25, 2024, the University of Tartu Senate appointed Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy, Kadri Simm, as Professor of Practical Ethics. This new professorship is distinguished from practical philosophy and theoretical ethics by its focus and interdisciplinary approach, particularly its integration with social science research methods and applicability. In recent decades, demand for expertise in the field on practical ethics has increased significantly both within the university and in society.
29. October 2024 for studentinstituteresearch
Rosario Napolitano addresses the diplomatic relations between Italy and Estonia during the interwar period
Rosario Napolitano räägib Itaalia ja Eesti vahelistest diplomaatilistest suhetest kahe maailmasõja vahel
28. October 2024 internationalresearch