Application Forms

The application must be signed on paper or digitally. 

Please bring the application signed on paper to the Dean's Office (Jakobi 2, room 118) or send it to:

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

University of Tartu

Ülikooli 18

50090 Tartu

Please send the digitally signed application to

Heddy Haljak
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Academic Affairs Senior Specialist
Jakobi 2-118
+372 737 5344
Heddy Haljak
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Academic Affairs Senior Specialist
Jakobi 2-118
+372 737 5344
Külli Kuusik
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Academic Affairs Senior Specialist
Jakobi 2-118
+372 737 5342
Külli Kuusik
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Academic Affairs Senior Specialist
Jakobi 2-118
+372 737 5342
Lõpetajad peahoone ees

Bachelor’s Degree Graduation Ceremony

Magistriõppe lõpuaktus ülikooli aulas

Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony

Üliõpilane juhendajaga kaarte uurimas.

Career Day for students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanitites