Alumni Talks: MA programmes in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

TÜ üliõpilased
Mariana Tulf

Join us in January 2023 for the first series of Alumni Talks! Our master's programmes alumni will share their journey at the University of Tartu and give a lecture on a chosen topic.

Registration is required. Please follow the links and register for each webinar you wish to attend. All times are GMT+2 (Tallinn, Helsinki time).

10 January 2023

18:00 - The problem of statistical evidence in court by Sophie Machavariani (MA in Philosophy)

11 January 2023

19:00 - How to apply semiotics? Using different concepts in the advertising/branding/marketing/finance industry by Rhea Colaso (MA in Semiotics)

12 January 2023

17:00 - University of Tartu: The best place in the world for studying Estonian and Finno-Ugric languages by Merit Niinemägi (MA in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Languages)

19 January 2023

18:00 - From humanities towards digital humanities: my experience at the Department of English Studies by Denys Savchenko (MA in European Languages and Cultures)

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