Topic: cooperation

International Workshop „The Same Event? Morphologies, Reflections, Disseminations“
15. – 17. December 2022 will take place International Workshop „The Same Event? Morphologies, Reflections, Disseminations“.
Three Rectors' Scholarship for Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian language speakers is waiting for candidates
The amount of the scholarship is 2000 euros and the deadline for participation is January 31, 2023.
Opening of Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies at the University of Tartu Library
Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogus avatakse esmaspäeval, 10. oktoobril kell 14.00 Taiwani Hiina-uuringute teabekeskus.
Project TUNE brings folk musicians across Europe to Viljandi
From 3 to 9 October, the UT Viljandi Culture Academy hosts the intensive week of the Erasmus+ project TUNE involving nearly 60 traditional music students and teaching staff.
23. September 2022 cooperationcultureinternational
Guest lecture by professor Takahara on “Japan-China relations in the geopolitical context of the war in Ukraine”
University of Tartu and Embassy of Japan in Estonia are pleased to invite you to an online lecture “Japan-China relations in the geopolitical context of the war in Ukraine” by Professor Akio Takahara 
An International Conference “Adolf von Harnack – bridging the gaps”
School of Theology and Religious Studies of Tartu University and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften are organizing an international conference “Adolf von Harnack – bridging the gaps”.
Estonian universities halting cooperation with Russian and Belarusian higher education institutions and research organisations
Estonian universities consider Russia's aggression unjustified and condemn the military attack on an independent state. As a result, universities have decided to halt cooperation with higher education institutions and research organisations in Russia and Belarus.
28. February 2022 cooperation