III International Multidisciplinary Conference - The Mongols: Tradition and Modernity

Mongoolia konverents

An international Multidisciplinary Conference - The Mongols: Tradition and Modernity will be held at the Senate Hall, University of Tartu, Ülikooli 18 on 24-26 March. The conference is dedicated to Mongolian communities and their neighbours facing global and local challenges: strategies, responses, perspectives.

All event times listed here follow the time in Tartu, Estonia (GMT+2). Please note that Estonia will transition to daylight saving time on 26 March at 3 am. Please use the time conversion tool to find out the event times in your location.

The Zoom link of the conference is sent directly to the registered and presenting participants’ email addresses by Alevtina Solovyova in mid-March.

Online listening of the keynote lectures and conference presentations is free but requires registration by 23 March 20.00 via a form here. An email with the Zoom details will be sent to the email address you provided in the form by 23 March 21.00.

Please note that the first two days of the conference (24-25 March) will take place both on-site and online, and the third day (26 March) only online.


Organising Committee:

Alevtina Solovyova, Head of Centre for Oriental Studies and Mongolian Research Lab, University of Tartu

Mari Valdur, Research Fellow, Institute of Cultural Research and Mongolian Research Lab, University of Tartu

Zayabaatar Dalai, Chairman of the National Council for Mongolian Studies, Government of Mongolia; Dean, School of Arts and Sciences at the National University of Mongolia; Director, Institute for Mongolian Studies at the National University of Mongolia, Professor at the National University of Mongolia.

Mongoolia rahvusvaheline konverents

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