Esmaspäeval, 15. jaanuaril peab õigeusu teoloog ja Kreekas asuva Vólose Teoloogiaakadeemia direktor dr. Pantelis Kalaitzidis avaliku ingliskeelse loengu teemal „Õigeusu poliitiline teoloogia neoimperiaalsete illusioonide ja kaasaegsete väljakutsete kontekstis“.
Õigeusu poliitiline teoloogia seostub tavaliselt impeeriumide ja Bütsantsi „sümfoonia“ ideega. Viimast peaks meie postmodernses ja postsekulaarses maailmas esindama Vladimir Putini Venemaa režiim ja teised autoritaarsed juhid, kes väidavad, et jätkavad tõelist õigeusu traditsiooni.
Kuid ka õigeusu maailm tervikuna on osa meie globaliseerunud maailmast ning püüdleb demokraatia, rahu ja õigluse poole. Seistes silmitsi modernse ja postmodernse maailma väljakutsetega, ei vaja õigeusklikud kõigi oma probleemide lahendamiseks uut keisrit.
Nad vajavad hoopis rohkem tõde, õiglust, vabadust ja vastutust ning evangeeliumile ustavat avalikku tunnistamist. Seetõttu on oluline leida viis, kuidas rakendada õigeusu teoloogiat poliitikas nii, et see oleks kogu kogukonna ja eriti abivajajate, rõhutute ja ajaloo ohvrite teenistuses.
Loeng toimub kell 12.15 Ülikooli 18-307. Kõik huvilised on oodatud!
Dr. Pantelis Kalaitzidis studied Theology in Thessaloniki and Philosophy in Paris, Sorbonne. He has published extensively on the eschatological dimension of Christianity, the dialogue between Orthodoxy and modernity, religious nationalism and fundamentalism, Political theology, contemporary Orthodox theology, issues of renewal and reformation in Eastern Orthodoxy, and Ecumenical and Inter-religious dialogue.
He is serving as the editor of the theological series “Doxa & Praxis: Exploring Orthodox Theology” (WCC Publications), while he is a member of the Board of various theological journals (Political Theology, Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies, Review of Ecumenical Studies, The Wheel). He taught Systematic Theology at the Hellenic Open University and St Sergius Institute of Orthodox Theology in Paris. He has also been a Research Fellow at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Boston), Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton University (New Jersey), DePaul University (Chicago), at the Faculty of Theology of KU Leuven (Belgium), and at the Faculty of Protestant Theology of Münster University (Germany).
Dr. Kalaitzidis is a member of the Executive Committee of the European Academy of Religion (EuARe, Bologna) and a Chair (with Prof. Papanikolaou) of the Political Theology group of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA). For the last twenty-four years, Dr. Kalaitzidis has been the Director of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies, a research center in Greece dealing with modern issues for Eastern Orthodoxy.
His publications include Orthodoxy and Political Theology (WCC Publications, 2012), Nel mondo ma non del mondo: sfide e tentazioni della chiesa nel mondo contemporaneo (Qiqajon, 2016), Orthodoxy and Modernity: Introducing a Constructive Encounter (Brill/Schöningh, 2024).